> White House says Biden is fine after tripping and falling on stage 拜登又双叕摔倒了 白宫回应“人没事”
US President Joe Biden holds a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, US, June 6, 2023. [Photo/Agencies]
U.S. President Joe Biden tripped on a sandbag and fell as he completed handing out diplomas at the US Air Force Academy commencement in Colorado on Thursday. 当地时间6月1日,美国总统拜登出席在科罗拉多州举行的美国空军学院毕业典礼期间,再次出现意外摔倒情况。
The White House said the president was fine after the fall.白宫方面迅速回应:人没事。
The stumble began as Biden was jogging away from center stage, where he earlier delivered a commencement address to the academy’s graduates. He spent more than 90 minutes handing out diplomas and congratulating hundreds of cadets. 据报道,拜登参加的毕业典礼时长大约90分钟,期间向数百人颁发证书并讲话。
As he was moving toward his seat, he tripped, falling to the ground. The president landed on his right hip before lifting himself up on his right hand. 事发时,拜登正离开舞台中心,想回到自己的座位上。但是他突然脚下一绊摔倒在地。拜登右侧臀部着地,随后试图用右手撑起身体。
A group of men, including an official with the Air Force Academy and two Secret Service agents, grasped onto Biden’s arms to help him back to his feet.拜登身边的军官和两名特勤人员赶紧将他扶起来。
As he got back up, Biden pointed back toward the ground where he tripped, indicating something had gotten in his path. 现场画面可以看到,拜登起身后还回头“指认现场”,指出是什么绊了他。
Video of the moment showed sandbags placed in front of the podium near where Biden had been standing. Earlier, the sandbags had been used to weigh down two teleprompters.当时的视频显示“罪魁祸首”是用来固定提词器的沙袋。
The president returned to his seat in the stands without assistance, and appeared in good spirits as the ceremony concluded.随后,拜登自行回到座位,在活动结束时他的精神状态还不错。
“I got sandbagged,” the president told reporters with a smile when he arrived back at the White House on Thursday evening before pretending to jog into the residence.当天晚些时候回到白宫后,拜登面对记者时笑着说“我被沙袋打了”,并做出了小跑的姿势以示无恙。
Biden is 80 years old, the nation’s oldest president, and is running for a second term. 现年80岁的拜登是美国最年长的总统,并且还在寻求开启第二任期。
He’s had previous stumbles in public, including falling to the ground during a bike ride last year in Delaware. He’s also been seen slipping on the stairs as he boarded Air Force One.之前,拜登也数次在公开场合摔倒过,比如在登上“空军一号”飞机舷梯以及骑自行车时。
> China to expand 5G application scenarios, boost R&D on 6G我国将丰富拓展5G应用场景 全面推进6G技术研发
A kid tries out a virtual reality facility at the World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin. CHINA DAILY
China will speed up the construction of virtual private networks in the 5G industry and enrich the country"s 5G application scenarios, industry and information technology minister Jin Zhuanglong said on Sunday.工信部部长金壮龙周日(6月4日)在北京举办的第31届中国国际信息通信展览会上表示,我国将加快5G行业虚拟专网建设,进一步丰富拓展5G应用场景。
China will improve the coverage of high-quality networks such as 5G and gigabit optical networks by continuously optimizing the infrastructure layout and building a batch of 5G factories, Jin said at the opening forum of the 31st PT Expo China in Beijing.我国将持续优化基础设施布局,提升5G、千兆光网等高质量网络覆盖深度广度,打造一批5G工厂。
Jin also said that China is eyeing the next-generation internet, as well as other frontier fields, and comprehensively advancing the research and development of sixth-generation (6G) communications technology.金壮龙还表示,我国将前瞻布局下一代互联网等前沿领域,全面推进6G技术研发。
The country will facilitate the development of new types of information infrastructure facilities, speed up the use of information technology and deepen the integrated applications of the industrial internet, he said.他表示,要加快推动新型信息基础设施体系化发展,加速信息技术赋能,深化工业互联网融合应用。
The incubation of emerging sectors will be quickened, while efforts will continuously be made to enhance the country"s full-industrial-chain advantages in the sectors of mobile and optical communication, according to Jin.同时,我国将加快培育新兴产业,持续增强移动通信、光通信等领域全产业链优势。
Ke Ruiwen, chairman of China Telecom, said the company has been building an all-optical network, with gigabit optical networks now covering more than 300 cities.中国电信董事长柯瑞文表示,中国电信持续开展全光网络建设,目前千兆光网已覆盖300多个城市。
China Mobile, another telecom giant in China, said it has led nearly 200 international standards for 5G and applied for more than 4,100 patents.中国移动牵头的5G国际标准近200项,申请专利超4100件。
According to China Tower, the company has made more than 200,000 communication towers smarter by equipping them with 5G and artificial intelligence.中国铁塔通过“铁塔+5G+AI”,将超过20万座“通信塔”变为“数字塔”。
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